Jeremy P Bushnell

Other Writing


Three short fictions, generated by the use of chance operations. (Minor Literature[s], November 2019)

Apocalypse Poems

Three visual poems made from remixed comic book imagery. (Burning House Press, September 2019)

Class Actions

An essay putting the so-called "Professor Watchlist" into the context of other systems of instructor surveillance. (Real Life, November 2016)

The Room of Zip Code

A short piece of ambient science fiction. (Reality Hands, March 2016)

The Magic Circle

An essay about designing games, geek exceptionalism, and being trapped in the magic circle. (Litro, June 2014)

Enormous Changes at the Last Minute: Giving Fiction a Home

An essay about Grace Paley, book trailers, and digital rights stewardship. (Contents Magazine, March 2013)


A short story about a men's retreat. (The 2nd Hand, April 2010)

Bird Talk

A short experimental fiction. (EXPLORINGfictions, July 2009)


Five visual poems at Otoliths
For font geeks and those who appreciate made-up words. (December 2008)

Five poems at Seven Corners. (May 2006)

Two poems at Shampoo. (April 2006)

Two poems at Moira. (Spring 2006)